Weird Wondrous World:
The Program Guide
Part One: Spring
The Seeds the Past Planted and How We Uproot Them
Snatch back your imagination from the either/or of Empire in our three month dive into what's actually going on + how we got here - and how secret third things help us get underneath the noise into a different kind of steadiness.

Part Two: Summer
The Future is a Dream that Makes Us Steady
When we aren't caught in the toxic dream of Empire and its sneaky binaries, we can see what dreams emerge - from beneath our feet and over our heads - to move us toward another kind of future. In summer we'll root into alternative systems of dreaming and practice sensing into the guidance that has been here for us all along.

Part Three: Fall
The Present is a Portal
Having slipped into the infinite possibilities around and underneath the binary, and connected to the guidance of our dreams, we turn back to the present, ready to shape new futures - rooted in the reality of the ground below, the stars above, and the dreams that are dreaming us. Ready to get started?

© 2025 Steady Productions - All Rights Reserved.

Pop out of the ideological fever dreams and land in another dimension where power is less a tug of war and more like something we access inside ourselves, each other and the magnificent feral collective. We’ll talk about inevitability, long games, secret third things, how we got here and ways we might be with whatever comes next.
the questions:
When there’s so much upheaval, chaos and confusion in the world, how do we orient ourselves?
Where can we be steady? Where is upheaval something we have to accept?
Where can defiance/devotion sometimes be a magical way through it all?
the skills:
not taking the bait
listening for the secret third thing
patience/long games
the practices:
disconnecting (to make space)
disengaging (to notice what's actually here)
taking breaks (from the machine)

It’s a long road ahead of us, and the way through may require a completely different kind of work on our part. During this month, we'll talk about Collective Dreaming, a concept introduced to us by David Clemy, and Dream Farming, from Billy Almon – the work of cultivating and incubating new visions for new worlds.
the questions:
What if steady means something totally different now?
What if it’s not about the fight and more about what you stay with? And what stays with you?
What if steady is a place you return to in the glorious ether via the instructions of your attuned senses?
the skills:
both/and + both/neither
suspending judgment
detachment + disappearing acts
the practices:
one small thing (for the no matter what basics)
giving your Intuition (with a capital I) more space

Part of being mapped on systems means we’re holding built-in assumptions about how things work, and how they’re supposed to work. But what happens when things aren’t business as usual, and the usual workarounds just won’t work anymore?During this month, we’ll look at what is ours to do, how dreaming can be a technology that revolutionizes how we see labor, and how we can move with what is to slip through the portal of working for cash into tapping in to our most reliable guidance systems.
the questions:
What does it take to have ears to hear and eyes to see what’s really going on in our weird, wondrous world?
What if there are futures that money and power can’t touch?
What if a different kind of future is dreaming us?
What if art is a portal that leads the way?
the skills:
introducing collective dreaming
unlearning collapse avoidance
the practices:
right-sizing timelines
art as: resistance, grief work, divination
graffiti, stickers, zines as reflections of the times: by the people, for the people

During this month, we’ll talk about a new take on dreaming. We'll learn how to nurture the dream seeds inside each one of us and how we can give our dreams a serious redux to get to the heart of the matter. This new take requires releasing the quick fix manifestation model in favor of tapping into the longer timeline of cosmic memory – one that has been tended by nature for millennia. We’ll also look at how nature is a portal that can guide us, even as the earth shifts to tell us new (old) stories.
the questions:
What if collapse is a portal that shows us a secret third way to live?
What if the falling apart is a kind of cracking open that helps us incubate the wisdom and technology new generations will need to live?
What perspectives make space for breathing, for seeing, for dreaming, for being?
the skills:
nature work through the lens of the Dreamtime
collecting nature + collapse stories as fodder for resilience, not despair
listening to the trees
being in nature as much as we (still) possibly can
the practices:
nature work: pivoting from reflection to direct download
introducing dream seeds and a new timeline/purpose for dreaming
collapse as a way not a barrier

The past becomes a portal again: collapse reveals both new paths and old wisdom – this month we return to the end(s) of the world, where the fusion between following the stars and staying close to the earth is a kind of wisdom we’ve forgotten, but can dream of and into again. This dreaming reveals ancient resources, ones that become new again as everything is falling apart.
the questions:
What if collapse and climate crisis expose/reveal the way forward?
What if the way the ancestors did it is its own technology?
What if our dreams are where the wisdom of the ancestors meets the guidance of the stars?
the skills:
tracking intuitive hits
querying Future You
finding the bigger story in your own ancestry
the practices:
redefining/exploring resources
metta as method
adaptation as a secret third thing

We've been taught to see dreaming as a way to achieve, succeed, self-actualize, become...and yes, dominate, set ourselves apart – even when we’re “dreaming” in new ways.
But what if dreaming is here for a very different problem to solve – knowing how to move through the terrain of collapse with an active connection to something – or somethings – greater, that can move, direct and advise?
the questions:
What if your intuition is in fact a sophisticated guidance system, that you can access to take very real action to solve practical problems?
What if your dreams have clues that can help you move right now, right here towards safety for you and the ones you love?
the skills:
learning to connect with + discern your intuition
learning to trust and take guidance from your intuition
fine tuning guidance as practical GPS
the practices:
one small thing as an intuitive primer + intro to collective collaboration
dream tracking: recording the fragments to craft the whole
learning the art of collective dreaming

The dreams that come in the future are the ones that slip through the ether of time. Collective dreams gather strength over ages because they are anchored to enduring things: devotion, defiance, the kind of innovation that comes from desperation, the kind of wisdom that lasts because it has been divined.We don’t get to know the part we play in the future, but we can share our intuitions, re-imagine why dreams matter and re-align our conception of dreaming. Learning how to embrace the now, with the importance of divining our dreams and not just desiring them, creates a space for us to step into our dreaming as an act of becoming dream fodder for those who will come in the impossible, unrecognizable future.
the questions:
What if what we dream, what we live, and how we endure becomes a path that the humans of the future can access in their dreams to come?
What if our dreaming practice is one part divining new possibilities that feed the future and one part rooting even deeper into the solid ground of the now?
the skills:
taking on the ancestor mindset
learning/remembering how to make a dreamy soup
potions + other otherworldly technologies that tend to the future in the now
recognizing your stories of intuition/guidance as the dreamseeds of tomorrow
the practices:
setting the table: the art of the gathering
being the dream with our feasts
our songs + prayers
our devoted rhythms, rituals and routines

When we are aligned with a scale of purpose that goes beyond today or "me" or even us, we can cultivate a space where dreaming becomes a way we learn how to remember a future outside of time.This month, our collective dream seeds become guidance systems: laying out plans, reordering our steps, initiating us into new assignments and new spaces.Learning how to take our dreams seriously – as transmissions, as instructions, as ways we are guided by the divine, nature, our beloveds and the world can help us move differently, with less fear of failing/falling and more curiosity about how to become the future we are waiting for. Especially when we’re oriented to the collective.
the questions:
What do we know that we’re afraid to know?
What is the message that would like to come through us for the sake of a beautiful future?
What is the vision that comes into shape and form when we write it, sing it, speak it?
the skills:
intuitive listening
(altered) states of noticing
deep stillness
altar tending
the practices:
free writing as waking portal to our dreams

This month we're talking where we've been: intuitive hits around our survival, prophetic inklings, dream imaginations of other ways, other worlds, listening to our own guidance and the guidance of others. These are solid foundations for the messy, necessary work of practicing together.If our collective dreams are a map, then our practice is the art of connecting how we fit in order to make what we see a present day reality.
the questions:
What if the incomplete/incomprehensible nature of dreams – our dream fragments – don’t make sense until we see them together?
What if we’re caught in a bigger dream that is dreaming us and guiding us all?
the skills:
being okay with being a part, not the whole
noticing where you end and someone else begins
the practices:
one small thing (the collective version)
timers forever (the secret sauce of togetherness)
releasing affinity in favor of the magic of what’s needed right here, right now
sharing our part of the collective dream
“I got you” as sacred methodology
And our final month...

When we have the experience of our intuition as a protective, guiding force; when we begin to understand dreaming as a way forward rich in ancestral wisdom; when we practice dreaming together, practically in the real world; when we are able to embrace our response-abilities to the future; then we can not only lean into our work on behalf of the future, we can also do what is ours to do right here, right now.It is here that we meet our humanity in new ways, not only as living breathing feeling creatures, but also as entities whose expressions will seed futures both beautiful and possible. It’s here that we can grieve, not from a hopeless place – but one where we learn how to move in defiance of learned helplessness in response to all that is lost. Steady, even as everything is being uprooted. Ready to get started?
the questions:
What if dreaming makes space for a different kind of “things working out”?
What if this way of "it working out" is what you were destined for in this lifetime, the one you are the ancestor for into the next?
the skills:
checking our work
seeing where we are still beholden to the now at the expense of the future
collective care
creating nests of hope and possibility
the practices:
grieving the structures/systems that will support us no longer
holding space for hope, the secret third thing and other mysteries
Weird Wondrous World:
The Program Guide
Part One: Spring
The Stories
Empire Planted
and How We Uproot Them
Snatch back your imagination from the either/or of Empire in our three month dive into what's actually going on + how we got here - and how secret third things help us get underneath the noise into a different kind of steadiness.

Go Deeper:
Part Two: Summer
The Future is a Dream
that Makes Us Steady
When we aren't caught in the toxic dream of Empire and its sneaky binaries, we can see what other dreams emerge - from beneath our feet and over our heads - to move us toward another kind of future. In summer we root into alternative systems of dreaming and practice sensing into the guidance that has been here for us all along.

Go Deeper:
Part Three: Fall
The Present is a Portal
Having slipped into the infinite possibilities around and underneath the binary, and connected to the guidance of our dreams, we turn back to the present, ready to shape our future - rooted in the reality of the ground below, the stars above, and the dreams that are dreaming us.
The Weird Wondrous Guidebook
A companion to the 10-month course, for deeper dives, diversions and other ways to be delighted by what we’re learning together.
How it works
This guidebook is organized in two ways: a choose-your-own-adventure into the future and a list of month-by-month resources + practices. We encourage you to pick a way of moving through this guidebook that works for you, your brain, and your nervous system.
Before you dive in, we want to remind you that however you encounter and use this guidebook is okay — really really. Every possible way into these resources counts and is valid.And finally, here’s a healthy nonbinary reminder that you don’t have to ever look at the guidebook again, or even now — work with it a little or not at all. The magic is in the ether.Ready to get started?
Choose Your Adventure
Pick your own starting point and dive in from there. You can think of this as a mini-immersion in non-linear, nonbinary ways of moving. Choose a category, then do a deep dive into the resources offered in that space. Or nibble your way through several categories, seeing what catches your eye and going from there. There is truly no wrong way to use this guide; and if that's the case, what might you choose? Are you ready to find out?
Monthly Rhythm
Need a little more structure? Get a set of resources for each month, aligned with our teachings and course content. We don't have to hold up "nonlinear" or "nonbinary" as the new "good." There are so many ways into the future - deliberate attention can always be one of them.Please note: there's a plethora of practices and resources, and everyone's time is different. You won't miss out if you can't take in all of the resources within a month, or ever.
However you decide to move, we hope this guide serves as a supportive tension-creator, insight generator, and possibility reminder during our time together. If you run into any trouble accessing these resources, send us an email! We'll do some problem-solving collectively.XO, Jen + Kali and a Weird Wondrous World
© 2025 Steady Productions - All Rights Reserved.
Listen: Kali on Unlearning the Binary
Want to expand your mind out of linear time? Start by watching Arrival.
Need to really get out of the good/bad binary? Start with No Bad Parts.
Want to escape into nonbinary possibility? Check out Children of Time.
Practice: Break up with your phone
Turn your phone off for an hour.
Delete one social media app for a month.
Unsubscribe from instant or daily news updates.
Push back the time you pick your phone up in the mornings by an hour.
Take a nap (with your phone in the other room).
Listen: Jen on Getting our Minds around Collapse
Want to think about how we got here? Watch The Great Invisible.
Want to look steadily at the future? Start with The Parables series.
Need a fun dive into people reacting to paradigm shifts? Watch Saved!
Jen on The Great InvisibleKali on The Parables Series + Everything for EveryoneJen on Paradise Built in Hell
Practice: Dance with delay
Take a walk or look out a window. Pause and look at a tree or a flower or a cloud in your view. Take ten deep breaths while keeping your eyes on it. What do you notice about that thing?
What do you notice about yourself?Block a day on your calendar or call in sick to work, and take yourself to the nearest water source (bonus points if you take the back roads). (Bonuser points if you forget your phone at home.)Practice breathing into existential terror, fear, and overwhelm, five, ten, fifteen seconds at a time. What do you notice? What locks in?
What shifts or changes?Dance it out. Move to the music.
Listen: Jen on Reconnecting to Creativity
Want to reframe problem-solving as creativity? Watch the Martian.
Want to remember that the ordinary is creative?
Read The Book of Delights.
Need a laugh while remembering our innate creativity under pressure? Watch One of Them Days.
Practice: Make friends with the weird and wonderful
Write a letter to your five-year-old self using your non-dominant hand. Ask them what they'd like to make, create, or do today. Do that thing.Take your phone with you outside and find a place to cloudwatch. Set your phone on timelapse for 30 minutes. When the time's up, stop the recording, watch it back and compare you + your device's cloudwatching.Try to get told "no" 100 times in the next month. Keep a list.
Celebrate every no.Open your fridge and close your eyes. Grab three random things and see what the internet has to say about what you could make with them.
Listen: Kali on The Secret Third Thing
Want to open up a third possibility? Read For Lovers + Fighters.
Want to get in touch with how your indignant anger can actually be a secret way into collective care? Watch Dallas Buyers Club.
Practice: Revolutionize your point of view
The next time you're stuck on a minorly thorny problem and feel like you need to make a decision RIGHT NOW, put one minute on the timer and ask yourself, who could I ask for support, advice, or help? If the knee-jerk answer is no one, listen to this audio from Kali.Feeling stuck? Make a list of all of the ridiculous, weird, foolish, and "stupid" options you could try in an alternate universe. Then ask yourself why you aren't doing any of them right now. Really listen to the answers.Take a walk, a drive, or a sit on the porch to look at something out in the world. Can you try to look at it through the eyes of a lover? Through a parent? A friend? What do you notice?
(Bonus points: try this with your reflection.)
This month we'll pop out of the ideological fever dreams and land in another dimension where power is less a tug of war and more like something we access inside ourselves, each other and the magnificent feral collective. We’ll talk inevitability, long games, secret third things, how we got here and ways we might be with whatever comes next.
Jen on ArrivalKali on Children of TimeKali on Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction
Practice: Make some space
Turn your phone off for an hour.
Delete a social media app for a month.
Unsubscribe from instant or daily news updates.
Push back the time you pick your phone up in the mornings by an hour.
Take a nap.
It’s a long road ahead of us, and the way through may require a completely different kind of work on our part. During this month, we'll dive into work of planting, cultivating and incubating new visions for new (and old old) worlds.
Practice: Wade into waiting
Take a walk or look out a window. Pause and look at a tree or a flower or a cloud in your view. Take ten deep breaths while keeping your eyes on it. What do you notice about that thing?
What do you notice about yourself?Set a timer for 5 minutes and ask yourself what do I really need right now? Listen for the answer. When the timer goes off, set another timer for 25 minutes and take that time to tend to that One Small Thing.Practice breathing into existential terror, fear, and overwhelm, five, ten, fifteen seconds at a time. What do you notice? What locks in? What shifts or changes?
What does it take to have ears to hear and eyes to see what’s really going on in our weird, wondrous world? What if there are futures that money and power can’t touch? What if a different kind of future is dreaming us? What if art is a portal that leads the way?
Jen + Kali on The Martian and One of Them DaysKali on The Shobies Story
Practice: Make friends with weird
Write a letter to your five-year-old self using your non-dominant hand. Ask them what they'd like to make, create, or do today. Do that thing.Take your phone with you outside and find a place to cloudwatch. Set your phone on timelapse for 30 minutes. When the time's up, stop the recording, watch it back and compare you + your device's cloudwatching.Try to get told "no" 100 times in the next month. Keep a list.
Celebrate every no.Open your fridge and close your eyes. Grab three random things and see what the internet has to say about what you could make with them.